buy Redbull energy drink

buy Redbull energy drink

product details and packing information

Product Dimensions:………..32.8 x 21.6 x 13.6 cm

Storage Instructions:………Cool and dry conditions

Serving Recommendation:…….Ice cold straight or as a mixer with alcohol

Packaging Detail: 250ML *24PCS/CTN

24 cans / case

108 cases/ pallet

26 pallets (2808 cases) / 20ft container

33 pallets (3564 cases) / 40ft container

Expiry Date: At least 18 Months from date of manufacture

buy Redbull energy drink

buy redbull Energy Drink is appreciated worldwide by top athletes, students, and in highly demanding professions as well as during long drives and is specially developed for periods of increased mental and physical exertion. It comes in different shape and size like 250ml cans, 250ml bottles, 500ml cans. Can I get Red Bull delivered to my house?. we do delivery to our buyers address once they place an order from us

importance of redbull energy drink

Is Red Bull healthy energy drink?. Red Bull is a utility drink to be taken against mental or physical weariness or exhaustion.
Red Bull combines two natural substances and important metabolic transmitters – the amino acid taurine and the glucuronolactone – with stimulating caffeine, vitamins and the energy provided by carbohydrates. The leader in the energy drinks category. buy redbull energy drink

Redbull special formula contains ingredients of high quality: Caffeine, Taurine, B-Group Vitamins, Sugars, Alpine Water

One 250ml can of Red Bull Energy Drink contains 80 mg of caffeine, about the same amount as in a cup of home-brewed coffee.

The amount of sugars in a can of Red Bull Energy Drink is comparable to the level of sugars in an equivalent amount of apple or orange juice – 11 g per 100 ml.

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Redbull energy drink is special for it ingredient use in it manufacturing which include

Water is a main ingredient of Red Bull.

Caffeine was already known by ancient civilisations. They consumed it from natural sources like tea, coffee, cacao beans and cola nuts and appreciated its stimulating effects on the human body.

Taurine is an amino acid, naturally occurring in the human body and present in the daily diet. It is involved in a wide range of biological processes.

Vitamins are essential micronutrients that are required for maintaining normal body functions.

Red Bull Energy Drink is made with sugar sourced from sugar beets. buy redbull energy drink

Nutritional value per 100ml

Energy (kcal) – 45
Protein (g) – 0
Carbohydrates (g) – 11
Sugar (g) – 11
Fats (g) – 0
Taurine (mg) – 400
Caffeine (mg) – 30

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