chickpeas for sale
chickpeas for sale, is a highly nutritious pulse and places third in the importance list of the food legumes that are cultivated throughout the world.There are mainly two types of chickpea produced i.e. Desi and Kabuli. Chickpea or chick pea (Cicer arietinum) is a legume of the family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae. It be dried, roasted, fried as preservation.
Types Of Chick Peas
Kabuli : Kabuli Chick peas sizes are 7, 8, 9 and 10mm used mainly in salad bars, soups, snack food, vegetable mixes, or ground into hummus and hence a very low glycemic index which may make them suitable for people with blood sugar problems. Kabuli Chick peas, which has lighter colored, larger seeds and a smoother coat, mainly grown in Southern Europe, Northern Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Chile. The Kabuli variety has a thin, white seed coat and it is relatively bigger in size than other variety. chickpeas for sale, Kabuli Chick peas
Desi Chick peas: The Desi type is smaller in size, has a thick, dark colored seed coat and is either de-hulled and split or de-hulled and ground into flour. It can also be roasted and puffed after splitting. Desi Chick peas has high fiber content compared to the Kabuli variety, which has small, darker seeds and a rough coat, cultivated mostly in the Australia, Indian subcontinent, Iran, Mexico & Ethiopia.
Its different types are variously known as gram, or Bengal gram, garbanzo or garbanzo bean, Egyptian pea. Its seeds are high in protein. chickpeas for sale
Products specification
General requirements
• Moisture: 12 % max
• Foreign matter: 1 % max by weight
• Size: 8-9 mm, 90% min by weight
• Undersize: 3 % max by weight
• Spoilt kernels: 3 % max by weight
• Broken: 3 % max by weight
• Mixing ratio: 10% max by weight
• Goat and unmatured: 5% max by weight
• Cooking time: 60-90 minutes after 24 h soaking
• Organoleptic: Natural taste, smell and color
• Live insects: Nil
Specification for Chick Peas ( HS CODE: 07132000)
Counts: 75-80/7mm; 58-60/8mm; 44-66/10mm; 42-44/11mm; 38-40/14mm
Moisture: 10-11% max
Admixture: 0.50% to 1% max
Broken Kernels: 1-2% max
Damaged Kernels: 1-3% max
Discoloured kernels: 2-3% max
Weevilled: 0.3% max
Undersize: 10-15 %
Health Benefits
Helps Control Blood Sugar Levels
Increases Satiety and Helps with Weight Loss
Improves Digestion Thanks to a High Fiber Content.
Helps Protect Against Heart Disease and Cancer.
Provides Essential Vitamins and Minerals
Great Source of Plant-Based Protein
dried chickpeas
dry chickpeas
can of chickpeas
roasting chickpeas
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